charged – a poem

chargedCharged (poem text)

charged electrostatic charges
vibrate just below
the skin.
simmering, shuddering,
secrets slice the edge
slashing the surface
looking for
a weak point.
new charges
whispers of insights
true or false.
emotions energize entities.
turbulent storms
ignite electrons,
the storm threatens
the tiny vessel
to hold it all in.
one more charge
until the boundary breeches
and the turbulent electrons
strike whomever is near.

poetic asides

For today’s prompt, write a charged poem. Maybe the poem has an electrical charge or a charge to a credit card. Or maybe there’s a charge from a bull or a battle charge. I’m sure there are any number of ways to charge the old poetic battery with this prompt. Have at it. – Robert Lee Brewer

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